IC2S Playlist Update 13/01/2016

First up this week is “Space Oddity” by David Bowie from his 1969 self-titled album. I picked this song for really obvious reasons, seeing that David Bowie passed away suddenly and tragically this week. I can’t really call myself a huge David Bowie fan by any means, but he was one of those huge presences in popular culture which is always there, but one which you never really consider that they’re going to fade away – even moreso considering he was only 69 bloody years old. The release of The Phantom Pain has also helped to make this death more impactful for me, as Kojima wove David Bowie references all through that game.

“Space Oddity” is probably the most popular Bowie song, with Chris Hadfield’s cover being a particularly fantastic tribute. I have some fond memories of this song, as my brother and I sang it a capella in the back of my parents’ van on the way to Niagara Falls… we probably were really annoying our parents with our crappy singing, but it was a fun and oddly-distinct memory that will forever be associate with this song. Plus, y’know, it’s just a freaking great song. You will be missed David.

Secondly we have “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” by The Beatles from Abbey Road. Holy shit, The Beatles are now on Spotify! I believe that I lamented months ago that I wanted to include this song on the playlist, but couldn’t as The Beatles weren’t on Spotify… no longer though! Getting the rights for The Beatles must have been a big coup for Spotify, and gives me some hope that perhaps one day I might get to add some Tool tracks to the playlist.

As for this song, it’s fantastic. It’s shockingly heavy, having far more in common with modern hard rock/metal than a 60s rock song. As a result, it’s probably my favourite Beatles song.